Thursday, October 7, 2010

Day 35 - three days after 2nd surgery

I had the second Hyprocure stent put into my other (left) foot 3 days ago (five weeks after my first surgery).  I had the 2nd surgery so quickly because now my body was off balance and walking with only one flat foot was causing me pain and delaying healing of my corrected foot.  Dr. Kass recommended I get the other surgery soon as my first foot is healed enough where I can put minimal weight on it. I'm currently in a half-cast and know what to expect as I just went through the first surgery.  The pronation in my left foot was less severe so I'm expecting to heal more quickly from this surgery.  It's already less stiff and less painful than the first surgery.  Knock on wood... if all continues well in 2 weeks I'll be walking without orthotics for the first time in 18 years.

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